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EPC Borough SE1 London

Are you a potential buyer or tenant and want to know the energy requirements of a property? SC Gas can help you; we have expert EPC Borough inspectors to help you learn the energy requirements of a potential building. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it can also save you money! We will also provide floor plans and photos with your EPC.

Our EPC Borough inspectors will come and view the property and give it a rating of how efficient it is, this rating ranges between A and G with A being the most energy efficient. Not only this, our staff will also give you an EPC SE1 report outlining how you can improve the energy performance of your building.

An EPC is needed whenever a building is first built, or when it is sold or rented. Your EPC will be valid for ten years and has information on it regarding property size, its address, a date of report and a table showing the averaged performance ratings. Knowing whether a building scores low in performance allows you to make that area a priority.

Get in touch if you have any questions about this service. We are proud of our competitively priced, friendly service, so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Call 0800 043 0705 to learn more.

View our EPC prices.
SC Gas